Last weekend I was all prepared to do a big blog post on being 28 weeks along and also wanted to take a picture of my growing belly. Sadly, we didn’t get the opportunity to take our picture. After finding out in July about Willow, it took me awhile to work through all of my emotions I had to stop getting the pregnancy email updates and reading the pregnancy books. It made me sad. Over the past month though, I had embraced how special and amazing an opportunity it is to carry a baby. It has been the biggest dream of mine for a very long time. During the last few weeks, I got to enjoy her kicking and sweet little movements. I had friends tell me how cute my growing belly looked. It was nice to be able to have some normal moments.
During the past 6 weeks I have also been blessed by the support of everyone that surrounds me. This has included my amazing team, everyone on staff at the school and my student’s parents. I wanted to share one of my favorite letters. It is from a father in my classroom and it truly touched me.
Dear Stacey,
Y***** told me last night about your special pregnancy, I have always considered you and all of X’s teachers as members of our family and we are here for you if you need anything at all… one thought that I always keep in mind that, God carefully chooses highly blessed people to take care of the angels that come to this life, we are very lucky and fortunate to be chosen for this noble and blessed event..
Our thoughts and prayers are with you.. We are here for you and God bless you!